The “Remembrance Experience For All” webinar series, carried out between December 2023 and June 2024, offers a series of seminars that transfer the content of the project to a wide audience.

Historians, archivists, educators, museum operators and international essayists were involved as speakers: a plurality of voices that represents the richness of Remembr-House’s contents.

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December 4-5, 2023

Stolen Art An itinerary dedicated to the goods and works of art stolen by the Nazi-Fascists from Jewish families

Speakers | Caterina Paparello (Università Ca’ Foscari, Venice); Chiara Pipino (indipendent researcher); Bianca Gaudenzi (German Historical Institute of Rome and University of Cambridge); Marina Sabatini (MEIS, Ferrara)

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April 9, 2024

Archives: learning by practicing

Speakers | Anne von Oswald and Anna and Elisabeth Hampel (Minor – Projektkontor für Bildung und Forschung); Paola Cipolla, Patrizia Baldi (CDEC, Milan); Katharina Freise (EHRI, Amsterdam); Marina Sabatini (MEIS, Ferrara), Erika Salassa (Fondazione 1563 per l’Arte e la Cultura, Turin)

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May 13, 2024

Museums and Memorials as Houses of Memory

Speakers | Jitka Janàkovà (Židovské muzeum v Praze); Anna Pisetti (Italian History Museum of War, Rovereto); Andy Simanowitz (Jüdisches Museum Berlin); Saverio Colacicco (Shoah Memorial, Milan)

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May 24, 2024

The Economic and Social Consequences of Nazi-Fascist Persecution

Speakers | Ilaria Pavan (School for Advanced Studies, Lucca); Barbara Costa (Intesa Sanpaolo Historical Archive); Lutz Klinkhammer (German Historical Institute in Rome)

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May 29, 2024

Object of a Lifetime

Speakers | Domenico Scarpa; Daniele Trematore (indipendent researcher); Karel C. Berkhoff (NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Amsterdam); Victoria Musiolek (Istituto Gaetano Salvemini, Torino)