October 2023. In these past months, REMEMBR-HOUSE has travelled through Italy, leading workshops, conferences and presentations. There have been moments to reflect and debate with many enthusiastic participants of all ages.
On March the 31st, during the conference Next Generation Archive – Progetti e valori condivisi a tutela del futuro (Shared projects and values to safeguard the future) held at the Palazzo delle Stelline in Milan, Erika Salassa (1563 Foundation) took part in the workgroup devoted to Archivi e scuola, alleati per una cittadinanza responsabile (Archives and Schools united to develop a more aware citizenry). She presented the REMEMBR-HOUSE Project where archivists and teachers are called to discuss the role of archives as strategic tools to develop a mindful method to accrue knowledge starting from scrutinizing sources and recognizing fake news. The aim is to develop critical thinking, trigger motivation, favouring cooperation (team work) and a multidisciplinary approach.
Marina Sabatini is in charge of the MEIS’s educational service. During Bitus 2023 that took place in Pompeii from the 27th to the 30th of September Sabatini illustrated the CERV project: an opportunity for students and teachers to meet in the framework of Educational Tourism and Teaching outside the Classroom.
On October the 5th REMEMBR-HOUSE went to Casa Cervi (Gattatico) – one of the most significant places of the Italian resistance – for the event Una bussola educativa per la scuola e la cittadinanza (An educational compass for schools and the citizenry). The course was free and open to teachers, museum staff and educational professionals. It consisted of three modules:on World Teachers’ Day, Thursday October the 5th 2023. Museums: a space for discovery and learning (Il Museo: uno spazio di scoperta e apprendimento); Thursday, October the 12th 2023 – Beyond the school text book: experimenting the history of the 20th century and civic education (Oltre il manuale scolastico: sperimentare la storia del Novecento e l’educazione civico) and Thursday October the 19th 2023 – Landscape Education and awareness of places (Educare al paesaggio e alla consapevolezza dei luoghi).
More than eighty teachers from all types and levels of schools took part in distance training organized by MEMO4345 in Borgo San Dalmazzo, Fondazione Fossoli di Carpi and MEIS on Friday October the 20th. MEMO4345 is a multimedia historical-educational multimedia course giving a voice to the Borgo San Dalmazzo Memorial to Deportation (Memoriale della Deportazione di Borgo San Dalmazzo) which enables visitors, guided by knowledge and rethinking the key elements of the Shoah in Europe, to gain a more in-depth understanding of the 357 Jews (334 foreign and 23 Italians) deported to Auschwitz from the concentration camp operating in the city between September 1943 and February 1944. During the contribution focusing on MEIS, Rachel Silvera, the Museum’s Communication Officer, illustrated REMEMBR-HOUSE focusing on the international context to build their Casa di Memoria (Memory House).
Lastly, REMEMBR-HOUSE was one of the two main topics of the October the 27th Tullia Zevi Bibliographical Centre (Centro Bibliografico Tullia Zevi) in Rome.. The workshop was a three day event entitledEuropean Workshop on Multiperspective Approaches in Holocaust Education and Remembrance” organized in the framework of the German project Multiperspective Holocaust Remembrance in Contemporary Europe (MuRem) funded by the CERV Programme. The REMEMBR-HOUSE steps and underlying concepts were shared with an audience consisting of professionals from all over Europe: teachers, historian, museum staff and popularizers. U. A further development followed a fruitful exchange with Anne von Oswald and Anna Hampel who presented We Refugees Archive (Minor) on the four cities many refugees escaped to: New York, Paris, Palermo and Istanbul. Leaving one’s home, leaving one’s city, the two comfort zones par excellence became the starting point for a lively debate with all participants, who shared the aim to endeavour to promote values of reception and knowledge, appreciating diversity. Under a shared European Sky.